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Legal Requirements

The following list is needed for legal marriage. The wedding coordinator must receive the following documents to begin the application for marriage in the Civil Registry Office.

  • Copy of the tourist visa card of the wedding couple and four witnesses. You will receive these upon arrival at Cancun International Airport.
  • Birth certificates
  • Valid passports from the wedding couple and four witnesses.
  • Blood tests must be taken in Mexico no more than 14 days before the ceremony to be valid. The blood will be tested for HIV, STDs, and blood type. The results will be ready in 24 hours, and it will be given to the wedding coordinator to complete the paperwork.
  • The wedding couple and four witnesses must arrive four business days before the wedding (Saturdays and Sundays do not count).
  • A legal form must be completed with the names, addresses, nationalities, ages, occupations, and relationship to the wedding couple. The wedding coordinator will provide the couple with the form.
  • The birth certificate of the bride(s) and groom(s) is optional and only applies if the wedding couple wants the names of their parents to appear on the marriage certificate. If you decide to take this option, the birth certificate should be the one with the parents' names on it. This document must be translated into Spanish, should be provided with an apostille stamp, and it should be processed in your hometown. Should the wedding couple's birth certificates not have the apostille stamp, the parent's name will not appear on the marriage certificate. The spaces for those names will be filled out as i.e.(---)

All requirements listed above must be brought to the first meeting with the wedding coordinator when you arrive at the resort. None of those mentioned above services are included in our wedding packages. It is the couple's responsibility to have all the documents ready before the wedding. Please discuss the requirements with your wedding coordinator.